Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wireless Networking Precautions

           This topic my dad didn't really teach me much about when getting my first laptop. I grew up with dial up internet which is the slowest kind of internet you can have. This would be because it goes through your phone line. I didn't have to worry about Wifi internet. Which means, this topic of caution when it comes to wireless networking is not my forte. I now have my laptop but it is different because at home I couldn't use internet. Now that I am attending college, I have wireless internet in almost all locations on campus.

           Some precautions you can take when using wireless internet, would be to make sure you have installed anti-virus software as well with a firewall. Anytime you use a wireless router you should have a firewall too. Where ever you can use your laptop with wireless internet that means others can too. Hence why you take all of these precautions. You should also password protect your router so that when others try to connect to your wifi, they can't get in because there is a password in the way.   Because wireless internet is becoming more popular, public places like coffee shops and restaurants are having wireless internet free for people who come there. This means that when you go there you can connect to the internet. If you do chose to do this, do not use personal information like your social security number or credit card number. People share this network which in result can see your computer. That is why you don't want to use personal information when not within your own home. Learning these new tips for wireless internet I hope will protect you from hackers! Keep your personal information to yourself and keep on reading tips about computers and security right here!

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