Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Computer Forensics

       You might always be wondering what is Computer forensics, well I do too. I always liked forensics as in the science but didn't know that there was even such thing as Computer forensics. Well, according to Google definitions, Computer forensics is "The application of computer technology and techniques to aid legal investigations." To me that sounds like Computer forensics is used to help in criminal investigations by using computers somehow. Computer forensics is usually used for computer crime but also can be used for some other cases. 

        An interesting fact I found is that Computer forensics has been used in crime since the 80s. Its funny how long it has been around but I am just hearing about it because of a class project. Computer forensics is used for all different cases to help solve crimes such as fraud and cyberstalking. When Computer forensic cases occur, there is more then one technique used. Cross-drive analysis, which is information from different hard drives are combined, Live analysis, which is when you can examine computers from within the system, and last but not least deleted files, which most would understand, recovery of deleted files. Stay tuned for more fun facts and interesting information about computers; this is the blog to come to!

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